2021-09-20 13:54:40 +02:00

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  • cities as metacities
    • Zoli professes: “Each time, a city is inscribed into a long cultural sequence, of which it is the utmost incident”3.
    • A city is a condition which more or less efficiently meets its citizens. Also it is a context within which consciousness develops. How would a historian describe the contemporary urban period in about 50 years from now?
  • life in the metacity
    • Cities are reduced in choice by Disneylanding themselves. It will become too perfect, there will be no more growth, and there will be a reduction of choice. But the visitors are expecting certain disneyfication in the city.but "of every Disneyland: you can't repurpose a theme park" (88).


interview about cities

Necessity being one of invention's many mothers, I have a certain faith in our ability to repurpose almost anything, provided it becomes sufficiently necessary. Then again, I suspect we've abandoned cities in the past because they were too thoroughly built to do some specific something that's no longer required.

The Internet, which I think of as a sort of meta-city, has made it possible for people who don't live in cities to master areas of expertise that previously required residence in a city, but I think it's still a faith in concentrated choice that drives migration to cities.

  • !Pasted image 20210617195358.png

V rámci Světové výstavy EXPO 1910 která se konala v Bruselu vytvořil Otlet s La Fontainem instalaci Mundaneum jako utopickou vizi kosmopolitního „města intelektu.“ Za podpory belgické vlády se Otletův plán začal formovat do podoby enormní kolekce kartiček a dokumentů, tehdy nejmodernější technologie pro skladování informací. S iniciativou byla spojená i vyhledávací služba uživatelé mohli poštou zaslat dotazy a za poplatek 27 franků na tisíc kartiček obdrželi odpověď. (ibid., s. 188189)