mirror of
synced 2025-02-08 19:31:09 +01:00
104 lines
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Executable file
104 lines
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Executable file
## Modes of Operation
rendering X learning X mining
### 1/ [AI](projects.feedfarm.md#AI)
### 2/ [rendering](projects.feedfarm.md#rendering)]
### 3/ [coins](projects.feedfarm.md#coins)
## phase 2
### major issues
- [ ] SITREP of 1st month
- [ ] 2 fucked cards [maybe fucked fans]
- [ ] fuckerd xxx FANs
### minor issues
- [ ] 2x-3x riser cables for 16x PCIe
- [ ] cooling upgrade
- [ ] storage upgrade
- [ ] getting 7700/ intel ?
- [ ] upgrading RAM ?
- [ ] ==>ML at least 11GB as VRAM
- [ ] ssd for video renders?
## [[projects.feedfarm.hardware.now]]
## [[projects.feedfarm.questions]]
## rendering
- https://www.videomaker.com/article/c01/18933-make-a-render-farm-out-of-old-computers-for-a-cost-effective-way-to-speed-up-rendering
- https://www.toolfarm.com/tutorial/in_depth_render_farms-2/
### davinci resolve
- **linux render server almost ready to deploy**
- [windows video tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xernl1v01K4_)
- [linux video tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10cpBZ86vrc)
- [DaVinci Resolve Remote Render Server Complete Guide (Windows/Linux)](https://forum.level1techs.com/t/davinci-resolve-remote-render-server-complete-guide-windows-linux/138807)
### blender
- **works**
- [ ] no pipeline managment
## AI
- **learning tests in february**
- **tools-must-be-upcoming**
### spleeter
### [incubation.openAI](incubation.openAI.md)
#### [jukebox](https://github.com/openai/jukebox)
- [ ] 16gb VRAM?
- https://github.com/openai/jukebox
- https://www.theverge.com/2020/4/30/21243038/openai-jukebox-model-raw-audio-lyrics-ai-generated-copyright
- https://github.com/openai/jukebox/issues/136
#### openAI gym
- https://medium.com/curiouscaloo/a-gpu-ready-docker-container-for-openai-gym-development-with-tensorflow-9be3d61504cb
### [tools.magenta](tools.magenta.md)
### tensorflow
- https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/generative/dcgan
- https://joelgrus.com/2016/05/23/fizz-buzz-in-tensorflow/
### EBsynth
- https://ebsynth.com/
### runwayML
- https://runwayml.com/
### [Kaggle](https://www.kaggle.com/)
## coins
- [[ethereum]]
- pools
- ethermine
- [livepeer](https://livepeer.org/video-miners)
## managment
### Stats
- https://www.maketecheasier.com/monitor-nvidia-gpu-linux/
- >>> **nvtop**
### Overclocking
??????? ???????
??????? ???????