
357 lines
8.3 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import EntryList from "../components/widgets/EntryList.svelte";
import EntityList from "../components/widgets/EntityList.svelte";
import type { Widget } from "../components/EntryView.svelte";
import { Link } from "svelte-navigator";
import { UpListing } from "@upnd/upend";
import EntryView from "../components/EntryView.svelte";
import UpObject from "../components/display/UpObject.svelte";
import UpObjectCard from "../components/display/UpObjectCard.svelte";
import Spinner from "../components/utils/Spinner.svelte";
import api from "../lib/api";
import { query } from "../lib/entity";
import { vaultInfo } from "../util/info";
import { updateTitle } from "../util/title";
import { i18n } from "../i18n";
import {
} from "@upnd/upend/constants";
const roots = (async () => {
const data = await api.fetchRoots();
const listing = new UpListing(data);
return Object.values(listing.objects)
.filter((obj) => Boolean(obj.attr[ATTR_LABEL]))
.map((obj) => [obj.address, obj.identify().join(" | ")])
.sort(([_, i1], [__, i2]) => i1.localeCompare(i2));
const groups = (async () => {
const data = await api.query(`(matches ? "${ATTR_IN}" ?)`);
const addresses = data.entries
.filter((e) => e.value.t === "Address")
.map((e) => e.value.c) as string[];
const sortedAddresses = [...new Set(addresses)]
.map((address) => ({
count: addresses.filter((a) => a === address).length,
.sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count);
const shortlist = sortedAddresses
.slice(0, 25)
.filter(({ address }) => address !== HIER_ROOT_ADDR);
const addressesString = shortlist
.map(({ address }) => `@${address}`)
.join(" ");
const labels = (
await api.query(`(matches (in ${addressesString}) "${ATTR_LABEL}" ? )`)
).entries.filter((e) => e.value.t === "String");
const display = shortlist.map(({ address, count }) => ({
labels: labels
.filter((e) => e.entity === address)
.map((e) => e.value.c)
.sort() as string[],
.sort((a, b) => (a.labels[0] || "").localeCompare(b.labels[0] || ""))
.sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count);
return { groups: display, total: sortedAddresses.length };
const { result: recentQuery } = query(`(matches ? "LAST_VISITED" ?)`);
$: recent = ($recentQuery?.entries || [])
.filter((e) => e.value.t == "Number")
.sort((a, b) => (b.value.c as number) - (a.value.c as number))
.slice(0, 25);
const { result: frequentQuery } = query(`(matches ? "NUM_VISITED" ?)`);
$: frequent = ($frequentQuery?.entries || [])
.filter((e) => e.value.t == "Number")
.sort((a, b) => (b.value.c as number) - (a.value.c as number))
.slice(0, 25);
const { result: latestQuery } = query(`(matches ? "${ATTR_ADDED}" ?)`);
$: latest = ($latestQuery?.entries || [])
.filter((e) => e.value.t == "Number")
.sort((a, b) => (b.value.c as number) - (a.value.c as number))
.slice(0, 25);
const shortWidgets: Widget[] = [
name: "List",
icon: "list-ul",
components: ({ entries }) => [
component: EntryList,
props: {
columns: "value, entity",
columnWidths: ["6em"],
orderByValue: true,
header: false,
name: "EntityList",
icon: "image",
components: ({ entries }) => [
component: EntityList,
props: {
entities: entries.map((e) => e.entity),
sort: false,
const longWidgets: Widget[] = [
name: "List",
icon: "list-ul",
components: ({ entries }) => [
component: EntryList,
props: {
columns: "value, entity",
columnWidths: ["13em"],
orderByValue: true,
header: false,
name: "EntityList",
icon: "image",
components: ({ entries }) => [
component: EntityList,
props: {
entities: entries.map((e) => e.entity),
sort: false,
<div class="home">
{$vaultInfo?.name || "UpEnd"}
<section class="roots">
{#await roots}
<Spinner centered />
{:then data}
{#each data as [address, _]}
<li class="root">
<UpObjectCard {address} />
<li>No roots :(</li>
<section class="groups">
{#await groups}
<Spinner centered />
{:then data}
{#each data.groups as group}
<li class="group">
<UpObject link address={group.address} labels={group.labels} />
<div class="count">{group.count}</div>
<li>No groups?</li>
{#if data.groups && data.total > data.groups.length}
<li>+ {data.total - data.groups.length}...</li>
<div class="frecent">
{#if frequent.length || $frequentQuery === undefined}
<section class="frequent">
<h2>{$i18n.t("Frequently visited")}</h2>
{#if $frequentQuery == undefined}
<Spinner centered />
{#if recent.length || $recentQuery === undefined}
<section class="recent">
<h2>{$i18n.t("Recently visited")}</h2>
{#if $recentQuery == undefined}
<Spinner centered />
{#if latest.length || $latestQuery === undefined}
<section class="latest">
<h2>{$i18n.t("Most recently added")}</h2>
{#if $latestQuery == undefined}
<Spinner centered />
<div class="button store-button">
<Link to="/store">{$i18n.t("View store statistics")}</Link>
<strong>UpEnd</strong> - {$i18n.t(
"a database for the complex, the changing, and the indeterminate",
<!-- svelte-ignore security-anchor-rel-noreferrer -->
<a target="_blank" href="https://upend.dev">
v{$vaultInfo?.version || "???"}
<style lang="scss">
.home {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
h2 {
text-align: center;
h1 {
font-size: 32pt;
font-variant: small-caps;
margin: 2rem 0 0 0;
h2 {
margin: 2rem 0;
.frecent {
margin: 0 2rem;
.frecent {
display: flex;
gap: 2rem;
& > * {
flex-basis: 50%;
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
flex-direction: column;
.roots {
ul {
list-style: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0 2rem;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: center;
gap: 2rem;
.root {
font-size: 24px;
.groups {
ul {
list-style: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0 2rem;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
gap: 0.5em;
.group {
display: flex;
.count {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 0.66em;
margin-left: 0.25em;
footer {
border-top: 1px solid var(--foreground);
text-align: center;
margin: 3em 3em 1em 3em;
& > * {
margin: 0.5em;
.store-button {
display: inline-block;
padding: 1em;
margin: auto;