use crate::addressing::Address; use crate::hash::{decode, hash, Hash, Hashable}; use crate::models; use crate::util::LoggerSink; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use diesel::debug_query; use diesel::prelude::*; use diesel::r2d2::{self, ConnectionManager}; use diesel::sqlite::{Sqlite, SqliteConnection}; use log::{debug, trace}; use serde::export::Formatter; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::fs; use std::io::{Cursor, Write}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::time::Duration; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Entry { pub identity: Hash, pub target: Address, pub key: String, pub value: EntryValue, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct InnerEntry { pub target: Address, pub key: String, pub value: EntryValue, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum EntryValue { Value(serde_json::Value), Address(Address), Invalid, } impl Entry { pub fn as_json(&self) -> serde_json::Value { json!({ "target":, "key": self.key, "value": match &self.value { EntryValue::Value(value) => ("VALUE", value.clone()), EntryValue::Address(address) => ("ADDR", json!(address.to_string())), EntryValue::Invalid => ("INVALID", json!("INVALID")), } }) } } impl TryFrom for Entry { type Error = anyhow::Error; fn try_from(e: models::Entry) -> Result { Ok(Entry { identity: Hash(e.identity), target: Address::decode(&, key: e.key, value: e.value.parse().unwrap(), }) } } impl std::fmt::Display for InnerEntry { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{} | {} | {}",, self.key, self.value) } } impl Hashable for InnerEntry { fn hash(self: &InnerEntry) -> Result { let mut result = Cursor::new(vec![0u8; 0]); result.write_all(; result.write_all(self.key.as_bytes())?; result.write_all(self.value.to_str()?.as_bytes())?; Ok(hash(result.get_ref())) } } impl EntryValue { pub fn to_str(&self) -> Result { let (type_char, content) = match self { EntryValue::Value(value) => ('J', serde_json::to_string(value)?), EntryValue::Address(address) => ('O', address.to_string()), EntryValue::Invalid => return Err(anyhow!("Cannot serialize invalid Entity value.")), }; Ok(format!("{}{}", type_char, content)) } } // unsafe unwraps! impl std::fmt::Display for EntryValue { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let (entry_type, entry_value) = match self { EntryValue::Address(address) => ("ADDRESS", address.to_string()), EntryValue::Value(value) => ("VALUE", serde_json::to_string(value).unwrap()), EntryValue::Invalid => ("INVALID", "INVALID".to_string()), }; write!(f, "{}: {}", entry_type, entry_value) } } impl std::str::FromStr for EntryValue { type Err = std::convert::Infallible; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { if s.len() < 2 { Ok(EntryValue::Invalid) } else { let (type_char, content) = s.split_at(1); match (type_char, content) { ("J", content) => { if let Ok(value) = serde_json::from_str(content) { Ok(EntryValue::Value(value)) } else { Ok(EntryValue::Invalid) } } ("O", content) => { if let Ok(addr) = decode(content).and_then(|v| Address::decode(&v)) { Ok(EntryValue::Address(addr)) } else { Ok(EntryValue::Invalid) } } _ => Ok(EntryValue::Invalid), } } } } pub fn insert_file>( connection: &C, file: models::NewFile, ) -> Result { use crate::schema::files; debug!( "Inserting {} ({})...", &file.path, Address::Hash(Hash((&file.hash).clone())) ); Ok(diesel::insert_into(files::table) .values(file) .execute(connection)?) } pub fn retrieve_all_files>( connection: &C, ) -> Result> { use crate::schema::files::dsl::*; let matches = files.load::(connection)?; Ok(matches) } pub fn retrieve_file>( connection: &C, obj_hash: Hash, ) -> Result> { use crate::schema::files::dsl::*; let matches = files .filter(valid.eq(true)) .filter(hash.eq(obj_hash.0)) .load::(connection)?; Ok(matches.get(0).map(|f| f.path.clone())) } pub fn file_set_valid>( connection: &C, file_id: i32, is_valid: bool, ) -> Result { use crate::schema::files::dsl::*; debug!("Setting file ID {} to valid = {}", file_id, is_valid); Ok(diesel::update(files.filter(id.eq(file_id))) .set(valid.eq(is_valid)) .execute(connection)?) } pub fn retrieve_object>( connection: &C, object_address: Address, ) -> Result> { use crate::schema::data::dsl::*; let matches = data .filter(target.eq(object_address.encode()?)) .or_filter(value.eq(EntryValue::Address(object_address).to_str()?)) .load::(connection)?; let entries = matches .into_iter() .map(Entry::try_from) .filter_map(Result::ok) .collect(); Ok(entries) } pub fn bulk_retrieve_objects>( connection: &C, object_addresses: Vec
, ) -> Result> { use crate::schema::data::dsl::*; let matches = data .filter( target.eq_any( object_addresses .iter() .filter_map(|addr| addr.encode().ok()), ), ) // .or_filter(value.eq(EntryValue::Address(object_address).to_str()?)) .load::(connection)?; let entries = matches .into_iter() .map(Entry::try_from) .filter_map(Result::ok) .collect(); Ok(entries) } pub fn remove_object>( connection: &C, object_address: Address, ) -> Result { use crate::schema::data::dsl::*; debug!("Deleting {}!", object_address); let matches = data .filter(target.eq(object_address.encode()?)) .or_filter(value.eq(EntryValue::Address(object_address).to_str()?)); Ok(diesel::delete(matches).execute(connection)?) } pub enum QueryComponent { Exact(T), ILike(T), In(Vec), Any, } pub struct EntryQuery { pub target: QueryComponent
, pub key: QueryComponent, pub value: QueryComponent, } pub fn query_entries>( connection: &C, entry_query: EntryQuery, ) -> Result> { use crate::schema::data::dsl::*; let mut query = data.into_boxed(); query = match { QueryComponent::Exact(q_target) => query.filter(target.eq(q_target.encode()?)), QueryComponent::In(q_targets) => { let targets: Result, _> = q_targets.into_iter().map(|t| t.encode()).collect(); query.filter(target.eq_any(targets?)) } QueryComponent::ILike(_) => return Err(anyhow!("Cannot query Address alike.")), QueryComponent::Any => query, }; query = match entry_query.key { QueryComponent::Exact(q_key) => query.filter(key.eq(q_key)), QueryComponent::In(q_keys) => query.filter(key.eq_any(q_keys)), QueryComponent::ILike(q_key) => query.filter(!("%{}%", q_key))), QueryComponent::Any => query, }; query = match entry_query.value { QueryComponent::Exact(q_value) => query.filter(value.eq(q_value.to_str()?)), QueryComponent::In(q_values) => { let values: Result, _> = q_values.into_iter().map(|v| v.to_str()).collect(); query.filter(value.eq_any(values?)) } QueryComponent::ILike(EntryValue::Value(Value::String(q_value_string))) => { query.filter(!("%{}%", q_value_string))) } QueryComponent::ILike(_) => { return Err(anyhow!("Only string Values can be queried alike.")) } QueryComponent::Any => query, }; trace!("Querying: {}", debug_query(&query)); let matches = query.load::(connection)?; let entries = matches .into_iter() .map(Entry::try_from) .filter_map(Result::ok) .collect(); Ok(entries) } pub fn insert_entry>( connection: &C, entry: InnerEntry, ) -> Result { use crate::schema::data; debug!("Inserting: {}", entry); let insert_entry = models::Entry { identity: entry.hash()?.0, target:, key: entry.key, value: entry.value.to_str()?, }; Ok(diesel::insert_into(data::table) .values(insert_entry) .execute(connection)?) } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ConnectionOptions { pub enable_foreign_keys: bool, pub busy_timeout: Option, } impl ConnectionOptions { pub fn apply(&self, conn: &SqliteConnection) -> QueryResult<()> { if self.enable_foreign_keys { conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;")?; } if let Some(duration) = self.busy_timeout { conn.execute(&format!("PRAGMA busy_timeout = {};", duration.as_millis()))?; } Ok(()) } } impl diesel::r2d2::CustomizeConnection for ConnectionOptions { fn on_acquire(&self, conn: &mut SqliteConnection) -> Result<(), diesel::r2d2::Error> { self.apply(conn).map_err(diesel::r2d2::Error::QueryError) } } pub type DbPool = r2d2::Pool>; pub struct OpenResult { pub pool: DbPool, pub new: bool, } pub const DATABASE_FILENAME: &str = "upend.sqlite3"; pub fn open_upend>(dirpath: P, reinitialize: bool) -> Result { embed_migrations!("./migrations/upend/"); let database_path: PathBuf = dirpath.as_ref().join(DATABASE_FILENAME); if reinitialize { let _ = fs::remove_file(&database_path); } let new = !database_path.exists(); let manager = ConnectionManager::::new(database_path.to_str().unwrap()); let pool = r2d2::Pool::builder() .connection_customizer(Box::new(ConnectionOptions { enable_foreign_keys: true, busy_timeout: Some(Duration::from_secs(30)), })) .build(manager) .expect("Failed to create pool."); embedded_migrations::run_with_output( &pool.get().unwrap(), &mut LoggerSink { ..Default::default() }, )?; Ok(OpenResult { pool, new }) }