import { IEntry, ListingResult } from "@/types/base"; import { fetcher } from "@/utils"; import useSWRV from "swrv"; import { computed, ComputedRef, Ref } from "vue"; export function useEntity(address: string | (() => string), condition?: () => Boolean) { const { data, error, mutate } = useSWRV( () => (condition === undefined || condition()) ? `/api/obj/${typeof address === "string" ? address : address()}` : null, fetcher, { revalidateOnFocus: false } ); const entries = computed(() => { if (data?.value) { const entries = Object.entries(data.value) as [string, IEntry][]; return entries .sort(([_, a], [__, b]) => String(a.value.c).localeCompare(b.value.c)) .sort(([_, a], [__, b]) => String(a.value.t).localeCompare(b.value.t)) .sort(([_, a], [__, b]) => a.attribute.localeCompare(b.attribute)); } else { return []; } }); const attributes = computed(() => { const addr = typeof address === "string" ? address : address(); return entries.value.filter(([_, e]) => e.entity === addr); }); const backlinks = computed(() => { const addr = typeof address === "string" ? address : address(); return entries.value.filter(([_, e]) => e.entity !== addr); }); return { entries, attributes, backlinks, data, error, mutate } } export function query(query: string | (() => string), condition?: () => Boolean) { const { data, error, mutate } = useSWRV( () => (condition === undefined || condition()) ? `/api/obj?query=${typeof query === "string" ? query : query()}` : null, fetcher, { revalidateOnFocus: false } ); const result = computed(() => { if (data?.value) { const entries = Object.entries(data.value) as [string, IEntry][]; return entries .sort(([_, a], [__, b]) => String(a.value.c).localeCompare(b.value.c)) .sort(([_, a], [__, b]) => String(a.value.t).localeCompare(b.value.t)) .sort(([_, a], [__, b]) => a.attribute.localeCompare(b.attribute)); } else { return []; } }); return { result, data, error, mutate } } interface EntityIdentification { type: string; value: string; } export function identify(attributes: ComputedRef<[string, IEntry][]>): ComputedRef { // Get all identities of the object const isEntries = computed(() => { return attributes.value .filter(([_, entry]) => entry.attribute === "IS") .map(([_, entry]) => entry.value.c); }) // Out of those, retrieve their TYPE_ID entries const { data: typeIdListing } = query(() => { return isEntries.value && `(matches (in ${ => `"${e}"`).join(" ")}) "TYPE_ID" ?)`; }); const typeIdAttributes: ComputedRef<[string, string][]> = computed(() => { return Object.values(typeIdListing.value || {}).map((entry) => { return [entry.entity, entry.value.c]; }); }); // Finally, filter own object's attributes according to TYPE_IDs return computed(() => { // For each identity/TYPE_ID pair return typeIdAttributes.value .map(([type, attrName]) => { // And each associated TYPE_ID attribute... // return own matchin attributes return attributes.value .filter(([_, e]) => e.attribute === attrName) .map(([_, attr]) => { return { type, value: attr.value.c } }) }).flat(); }); } export function asDict(attributes: [string, IEntry][]): { [key: string]: string } { const result = {} as { [key: string]: string };[_, attribute]) => attribute).forEach((attribute) => { result[attribute.attribute] = attribute.value.c; }); return result; }