// Code adapted from `xywh.js` by Thomas Steiner // https://github.com/tomayac/xywh.js export type MediaFragment = ( | { mediaItem: HTMLImageElement; mediaType: "img"; } | { mediaItem: HTMLVideoElement; mediaType: "video"; } ) & { unit: string; x: number; y: number; w: number; h: number; }; export function xywh(mediaItem: HTMLImageElement | HTMLVideoElement) { const source = mediaItem.src || mediaItem.currentSrc; // See http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/#naming-space const xywhRegEx = /[#&\?]xywh\=(pixel\:|percent\:)?([\d\.]+),([\d\.]+),([\d\.]+),([\d\.]+)/; const match = xywhRegEx.exec(source); if (match) { const mediaFragment = { mediaItem: mediaItem, mediaType: mediaItem.nodeName.toLowerCase(), unit: match[1] ? match[1] : "pixel:", x: parseFloat(match[2]), y: parseFloat(match[3]), w: parseFloat(match[4]), h: parseFloat(match[5]), } as MediaFragment; if (mediaFragment.mediaType === "img") { addImageLoadListener(mediaFragment); } else { addVideoLoadListener(mediaFragment); } } } /** * Applies the media fragment when the image has loaded. We need the image's * original width and height. */ function addImageLoadListener(mediaFragment: MediaFragment) { const mediaItem = mediaFragment.mediaItem; const onload = function () { applyFragment(mediaFragment); // Removes the load listener from the image, so that it doesn't fire // again when we set the image's @src to a transparent 1x1 GIF, but only // once when the initial image has fully loaded mediaItem.removeEventListener("load", onload); // Base64-encoded transparent 1x1 pixel GIF mediaItem.src = ""; }; mediaItem.addEventListener("load", onload); } /** * Applies the media fragment when all metadata of the video have loaded. We * need the video's original width and height. */ function addVideoLoadListener(mediaFragment: MediaFragment) { mediaFragment.mediaItem.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function () { applyFragment(mediaFragment); }); } /** * Applies the spatial media fragment: * * For images, we replace the @src attribute with a transparent GIF data URL, * resize the image to match the fragment's dimensions, and set the image's * CSS background-image according to the fragment's x and y values. * * For videos, we wrap the video in a
wrapper of the fragment's * dimensions, set its CSS overflow value to "hidden", and apply a CSS3 * 2D transformation according to the fragment's x and y values. */ function applyFragment(fragment: MediaFragment) { let x: string, y: string, w: string, h: string; const originalWidth = fragment.mediaType === "img" ? fragment.mediaItem.width : fragment.mediaItem.videoWidth; const originalHeight = fragment.mediaType === "img" ? fragment.mediaItem.height : fragment.mediaItem.videoHeight; // Unit is pixel: if (fragment.unit === "pixel:") { const scale = fragment.mediaType === "img" ? originalWidth / fragment.mediaItem.naturalWidth : originalWidth / fragment.mediaItem.clientWidth; w = fragment.w * scale + "px"; h = fragment.h * scale + "px"; x = "-" + fragment.x * scale + "px"; y = "-" + fragment.y * scale + "px"; // Unit is percent: } else { w = (originalWidth * fragment.w) / 100 + "px"; h = (originalHeight * fragment.h) / 100 + "px"; x = "-" + (originalWidth * fragment.x) / 100 + "px"; y = "-" + (originalHeight * fragment.y) / 100 + "px"; } // Media item is a video if (fragment.mediaType === "video") { const wrapper = document.createElement("div"); wrapper.style.cssText += "overflow:hidden;" + "width:" + w + ";" + "height:" + h + ";" + "padding:0;" + "margin:0;" + "border-radius:0;" + "border:none;"; fragment.mediaItem.style.cssText += "transform:translate(" + x + "," + y + ");" + "-webkit-transform:translate(" + x + "," + y + ");"; // Evil DOM operations fragment.mediaItem.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, fragment.mediaItem); wrapper.appendChild(fragment.mediaItem); // We need to manually trigger @autoplay, as DOM access seems to kill it if (fragment.mediaItem.hasAttribute("autoplay")) { fragment.mediaItem.play(); } // Media item is an image } else { fragment.mediaItem.style.cssText += "width:" + w + ";" + "height:" + h + ";" + "background:url(" + fragment.mediaItem.src + ") " + // background-image "no-repeat " + // background-repeat x + " " + y + "; " + // background-position "background-size: " + originalWidth + "px " + originalHeight + "px;"; } }