Compare commits


No commits in common. "b0738d9710746491e615df62f073bbd48bf8b20f" and "e9b50164a2b51bedf80c6e345a73f1455d23cbee" have entirely different histories.

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@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ async function processSnapshots(
videos: VideoInfo[],
snapshotsDir: string,
count: number,
sizeLimit: number,
) {
const totalDuration = videos.reduce((acc, video) => acc + video.duration, 0);
const currentHour = new Date().getHours();
@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ async function processSnapshots(
const stats = await stat(snapshotPath);
size = stats.size;
if (size < sizeLimit) {
if (size < 5 * 1024) {
`Snapshot ${
i + 1
@ -109,7 +108,6 @@ async function setupSnapshotServer(
videoPaths: string[],
snapshotsDir: string,
count: number,
sizeLimit: number,
) {
const app = express();
@ -118,10 +116,10 @@ async function setupSnapshotServer(
const videos = await getVideoInfo(videoPaths);
// noinspection ES6MissingAwait
processSnapshots(videos, snapshotsDir, count, sizeLimit);
processSnapshots(videos, snapshotsDir, count);
schedule.scheduleJob("0 * * * *", () =>
processSnapshots(videos, snapshotsDir, count, sizeLimit),
processSnapshots(videos, snapshotsDir, count),
app.get("/:magic?", async (req, res) => {
@ -138,10 +136,11 @@ async function setupSnapshotServer(
if (magic) {
const hash = createHash("md5").update(magic).digest("hex");
const index = parseInt(hash.substring(0, 8), 16) % files.length;
// Cache until the next hour rolls over
res.sendFile(files[index], {
headers: {
"Cache-Control": `public, max-age=${
3600 - new Date().getMinutes() * 60 - new Date().getSeconds()
3600 - new Date().getMinutes() * 60
root: currentDir,
@ -173,13 +172,11 @@ program
.argument("<paths...>", "Video file paths")
.option("-d, --directory <dir>", "Directory to store snapshots", "snapshots")
.option("-c, --count <count>", "Number of snapshots to take per hour", "32")
.option("--size-limit <size>", "Size limit for snapshots in KiB", "7")
.action(async (videoPaths: string[], options) => {
await setupSnapshotServer(
parseInt(options.count, 10),
parseInt(options.sizeLimit, 10) * 1024,