> **Attention economics** is an approach to the [management of information](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_management "Information management") that treats human [attention](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention "Attention") as a scarce [commodity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodity "Commodity") and applies [economic theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_theory "Economic theory") to solve various information management problems. According to [Matthew Crawford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Crawford "Matthew Crawford"), "Attention is a [resource](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource "Resource")—a person has only so much of it.
>In a so-called attention economy, what better way to prove that you’ve paid attention to something than to remix it? Meet the folk music of the twenty-first century.
pluralistic@mamot.fr - This is the commercial pressure that turned the esoteric web into the generic web of sensationalism, clickbait and cute animals. It didn't just transform what writers wrote - it also transformed how writers and readers related to one another.
utopiah@mastodon.pirateparty.be - Yes ... https://twitter.com/utopiah/status/1554074975862226946 and sadly my still so terribly current (yet raw) notes on Postman's Amusing Ourselves To Death https://fabien.benetou.fr/ReadingNotes/AmusingOurselvesToDeath
RT @noUpside@twitter.com
Glad people are coming around to this pov. There is a structure to social networks/media, impossible to separate out fully from the substance (content, behavior) it incentivizes. A mutually-shaping system.
> In the camps in north-west Syria, the BBC found that the trend was being facilitated by so-called "TikTok middlemen", who provided families with the phones and equipment to go live.
> A lot of the recent Autechre output has been a celebration of the big, fat unshackled ponder, the great idea sent boinging down the can for ten minutes and then popping out of the combine. The thirty-five live shows came to us on top of the 2016 “album” _elseq 1-5_ (which lasts four hours and feels like ten) and the 2018 four-volume “album” _NTS Sessions_ (which goes on for eight hours and feels like six). These are folders, not albums.