download into subdirectories when multiple hashtags present (fix #2)

Tomáš Mládek 2019-05-14 23:33:48 +02:00
parent 3368f27588
commit 723008e451
1 changed files with 49 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class DelojzaBot:
def __init__(self, tg_api_key, out_dir, tmp_dir='/var/tmp', acoustid_key=None, tumblr_keys=None, markov=None):
self.logger = logging.getLogger("delojza")
self.out_dir = out_dir
self.out_dir = os.path.abspath(out_dir)
self.logger.debug('OUT_DIR: ' + out_dir)
self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir
self.logger.debug('TMP_DIR: ' + tmp_dir)
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class DelojzaBot:
self.client = pytumblr.TumblrRestClient(*tumblr_keys)
self.last_downloaded = []
self.last_hashtag = None
self.last_hashtags = None
def ytdl_can(url):
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class DelojzaBot:
id3.add(mutagen.id3.TPE1(encoding=3, text=artist))
def download_ytdl(self, urls, subdir, date, message, audio=False, filename=None):
def download_ytdl(self, urls, out_path, date, message, audio=False, filename=None):
ydl_opts = {
'noplaylist': True,
'restrictfilenames': True,
@ -169,23 +169,21 @@ class DelojzaBot:
filenames = []
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
out_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, subdir)
for info in [ydl.extract_info(url, download=False) for url in urls]:
filename = ydl.prepare_filename(info)
globbeds = glob(os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.*')
for globbed in globbeds:
if globbed.endswith("mp3"):
self.tag_file(globbed, message, info=info)"Moving %s to %s..." % (globbed, out_dir))
dest = shutil.move(globbed, out_dir)"Moving %s to %s..." % (globbed, out_path))
dest = shutil.move(globbed, out_path)
return filenames
def download_raw(self, urls, subdir, date, message, audio=False, filename=None):
def download_raw(self, urls, out_path, date, message, audio=False, filename=None):
filenames = []
for url in urls:
local_filename = os.path.join(self.out_dir, subdir,
"%s__%s" % (datestr(date), filename or url.split('/')[-1]))
local_filename = os.path.join(out_path, "%s__%s" % (datestr(date), filename or url.split('/')[-1]))
final_filename = local_filename
is_mp3 = local_filename.endswith("mp3")
@ -212,61 +210,61 @@ class DelojzaBot:
return filenames
def extract_first_hashtag(message):
def extract_hashtags(message):
hashtags = list(map(message.parse_entity,
list(filter(lambda e: e.type == 'hashtag', message.entities))))
hashtags += list(map(message.parse_caption_entity,
list(filter(lambda e: e.type == 'hashtag', message.caption_entities))))
if len(hashtags) > 0:
hashtag = hashtags[0][1:].upper()
if "PRAS" in hashtag:
hashtag = "PRAS"
return hashtag
hashtags = [hashtag[1:].upper() for hashtag in hashtags]
for i, hashtag in enumerate(hashtags):
if "PRAS" in hashtag:
hashtags[i] = "PRAS"
return hashtags
def get_hashtag(self, message):
hashtag = self.extract_first_hashtag(message)
if hashtag is None:
if self.last_hashtag is not None and self.last_hashtag[0] == message.from_user:
hashtag = self.last_hashtag[1]
self.last_hashtag = None
return hashtag
def get_hashtags(self, message):
hashtags = self.extract_hashtags(message)
if len(hashtags) == 0:
if self.last_hashtags is not None and self.last_hashtags[0] == message.from_user:
hashtags = self.last_hashtags[1]
self.last_hashtags = None
return hashtags
def tg_handle_hashtag(self, bot, update):
hashtag = self.extract_first_hashtag(update.message)
hashtags = self.extract_hashtags(update.message)
if update.message.reply_to_message:
self.handle_tg_message(update.message.reply_to_message, bot, hashtag)
self.handle_urls(update.message.reply_to_message, hashtag)
self.handle_tg_message(update.message.reply_to_message, bot, hashtags)
self.handle_urls(update.message.reply_to_message, hashtags)
self.last_hashtag = (update.message.from_user, hashtag)
self.last_hashtags = (update.message.from_user, hashtags)
# noinspection PyBroadException
def handle(self, urls, message, hashtag, download_fn, filename=None):
def handle(self, urls, message, hashtags, download_fn, filename=None):
if hashtag is None:
if len(hashtags) == 0:"Ignoring %s due to no hashtag present..." % urls)
return"Downloading %s under '%s'" % (urls, hashtag))"Downloading %s under '%s'" % (urls, "/".join(hashtags)))
reply = 'Downloading'
if hashtag:
mkdir_p(os.path.join(self.out_dir, hashtag))
reply += ' to "' + hashtag + '"'
reply += '...'
out_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, *hashtags)
audio = any([tag in hashtag for tag in ('AUDIO', 'RADIO')])
reply = 'Downloading to "{}"...'.format("/".join(hashtags))
audio = any([any([tag in hashtag for tag in ('AUDIO', 'RADIO')]) for hashtag in hashtags])
if audio and download_fn != self.download_raw:
reply += ' (And also guessing you want to extract the audio)'
filenames = download_fn(urls, hashtag or '.',, message, audio=audio, filename=filename)
if hashtag == 'TUMBLR' and self.client:
filenames = download_fn(urls, out_path,, message, audio=audio, filename=filename)
if hashtags[0] == 'TUMBLR' and self.client:
message.reply_text('(btw, queueing to tumblr)')
for filename in filenames:
self.client.create_photo('kunsaxan', state="queue", data=filename)
elif hashtag == 'TUMBLR_NOW' and self.client:
elif hashtags[0] == 'TUMBLR_NOW' and self.client:
message.reply_text('(btw, ***FIRING TO TUMBLR RIGHT AWAY***)',
for filename in filenames:
@ -279,23 +277,23 @@ class DelojzaBot:
message.reply_text("Something is FUCKED: %s" % exc_value)
def tg_handle_url(self, _, update):
self.handle_urls(update.message, self.get_hashtag(update.message))
self.handle_urls(update.message, self.get_hashtags(update.message))
def handle_urls(self, message, hashtag):
def handle_urls(self, message, hashtags):
urls = list(map(lambda e: message.parse_entity(e),
filter(lambda e: e.type == 'url', message.entities)))
ytdl_urls = [url for url in urls if self.ytdl_can(url)]
normal_urls = [url for url in urls if not self.ytdl_can(url)]
if len(ytdl_urls) > 0:
self.handle(ytdl_urls, message, hashtag, self.download_ytdl)
self.handle(ytdl_urls, message, hashtags, self.download_ytdl)
if len(normal_urls) > 0:
image_urls = [url for url in normal_urls if "image" in requests.head(url).headers.get("Content-Type", "")]
if len(image_urls) > 0:
self.handle(image_urls, message, hashtag, self.download_raw)
self.handle(image_urls, message, hashtags, self.download_raw)
# noinspection PyBroadException
def tg_handle_rest(self, bot, update):
self.handle_tg_message(update.message, bot, self.get_hashtag(update.message))
self.handle_tg_message(update.message, bot, self.get_hashtags(update.message))
def handle_tg_message(self, message, bot, hashtag):
file, filename, tumblr = None, None, False
@ -395,11 +393,15 @@ class DelojzaBot:
for file in self.last_downloaded:
update.message.reply_text("Removing \"{}\"!".format(file[len(self.out_dir):]))
file_parent_dir = os.path.dirname(file)
if len(os.listdir(file_parent_dir)) == 0:
hashtag = os.path.split(file_parent_dir)[1].upper()
update.message.reply_text("Removing tag \"{}\" as it's empty...".format(hashtag))
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(file)
while True:
if len(os.listdir(parent_dir)) == 0:
update.message.reply_text("Removing directory \"{}\" as it's empty..."
.format(parent_dir[len(self.out_dir) + 1:]))
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(parent_dir)
if parent_dir == self.out_dir:
update.message.reply_text("Nothing to remove!")